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You are ready to contact your first model agency after having flipped through the pages of agents listed on the internet. You are all set to contact one agency in your area or to head to the most happening city of New York. That is when you feel a lump in your throat and it grows bigger within no time. You nearly go pale and start shivering. Hold on, you lack something very important for a career in modeling. Yes, that is self confidence.

Self confidence is attractiveness in modeling. No matter how pretty you are the chances of you becoming a model are slim if you are not confident enough to make the contacts. Believing in your own self is the key to success in modeling. Most of the people have a confidence problem at times. Confidence often comes with knowledge. The more you know about a subject the more confident you will become in talking to others about it.

Those who look for a career in modeling need to study everything in the field, learn and find what makes a successful model and practice. Certain kinds of modeling have some limitations. Do have clear dreams, write them down as goals in life. Plan a date by which you need to complete it and start working towards achieving your goals. Confidence comes from small successes and even from some failures. You need to be honest in your self-assessment, follow it up with study and lots of practice. Self confidence is attractiveness. You need to remember these thoughts, your self- esteem will grow and you will contact agencies and make small gains.

True self confidence is a realistic belief or expectation of achieving success. Self confidence is not what you hope to do, but what you realistically expect to do. It is not what you tell others, but your innermost thoughts about your realistic capabilities. It is not pride in past deeds, but a realistic judgment about what you are able to do. Modeling is such a field where self confidence matters most in order to have a successful career. Self confidence lowers anxiety by creating positive expectations of success. It also increases motivation by raising perceived competence. It enhances concentration by eliminating distraction from negative thoughts and personal putdowns. One should have various goals in life, by accomplishing those goals our self confidence increases. As we go on achieving things, our competence level also rises. Performance goes high with each minute accomplishment.

People should develop and maintain self confidence throughout life. We have to appraise situations as challenges in life, not as threats. We need to develop willingness, performance and recovery plans to deal with problems. Our focus should be on more controllable process and performance goals. We need to, at times, live up to the expectations of our parents, teachers, employers, coaches etc. in various situations of life. Whenever we fail to reach up to the mark set by them, our self confidence goes down. We need to live our life for our sake no matter what others think of us or expect from us.

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  1. Hi Pankaj,

    I believe if you are self-confident you can present wrong thing into right. This is the power of confidence and your ideas in post is nice. Keep writing.

  2. Workshop on Business Communication at the Workplace

    Workshop (25th June 2014) for Professionals who wish to sharpen their communication skills at work.

    Learning Objectives:

    O Acquire an Insight into effective Communication at work
    o Develop awareness of body language
    o How to make an impact when communicating with Decision Makers
    o Start using electronic media effectively
    o Defuse and manage difficult situations

    Course Outline:

    O Understanding communications (Process, Identifying areas of weakness)
    o Body language (Non Verbal Communication, Things to watch for)
    o Brief and Concise Communication (Key Messages, Communicating with Decision Makers)
    o Electronic Communciation (Telephone, Email and IM) - (Etiquette, measuring success)
    o Difficult situations (Situations, people, Conflict)

    Additional takeaways
    At the completion of the workshops, all participants will receive:

    O A comprehensive Handout of workshop topics
    O Certificate of completion
    O A 30-day interaction window with Marg for any questions / queries and clarifications on the subject

    For more information and to register for the workshops, contact Pooja at +91 903 503 3018 or write to us pooja@margonline.com, info@margonline.com


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